Enemy Teritory Editor posted by eyeronik on Saturday 12th July 2003, 11:51 | |
The enemy territory map editor is now out and ready to go. You can get your hands on it from rtcwfiles: comments: 3 send to friend |
Its a start posted by eyeronik on Thursday 26th June 2003, 05:54 | |
Kim B has finished up "start" a single player wolf map thats been worked on by kim for about a year. Check it out on his site on the english version here comments: 0 send to friend |
News bits posted by eyeronik on Thursday 19th June 2003, 08:46 | |
Sorry about the lack of updates, *insert excuse* got a pretty good reason why, anyway, some news in short.. ? ? Operation redmoon fathers day special map is out, check out screens and download by PolygonValley here Its a town map for single player, not sure if theres any red moons in it mind. comments: 1 send to friend |
Mp delivery final out posted by eyeronik on Sunday 8th June 2003, 12:48 | |
Demoneye has released his final version of his map, mp delivery. You can download it here quote: Download comments: 0 send to friend |
Wolf Tactics Gone posted by eyeronik on Sunday 8th June 2003, 12:43 | |
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What else but.. posted by eyeronik on Thursday 5th June 2003, 12:17 | |
Enemy T is taking the world by storm! I think many of us are genuinely surprised by how popular its proving, sure in top 10 most played but not up into the top 3! Its been quite the revelation and whats more its justified, If you havent yet downloaded it, I suggest you do. I dont think its killed off wolfenstein, because that would never get as popular as ET has become and some of that is because ET is free, but I dont think we are losing out and for me personally I prefer ET to rtcw, but many of us will because we have probably tired a bit of rtcw, but we havent lost anything just gained a new quality game. Just a shame about the sounds... comments: 0 send to friend |
Enemy Territory is out posted by eyeronik on Thursday 29th May 2003, 12:34 | |
The full version of Enemy Territory is finally out. You dont need rtcw to play it either as you prolly know. It only comes with 6 maps so get making some more! comments: 0 send to friend |
Textures posted by eyeronik on Wednesday 14th May 2003, 09:49 | |
Ive made a few textures a while ago and not got round to making anymore so i thought id release just these few that i made. You can see examples and a download on the files page. Ive named it sf3_e1a to confuse you! Only joking, there were originally two other texture packs but one was then turned into propaganda posters and the other burned in hell, this one starts at sf3. Surface pack 3. Most of them are 512x512 and two are a little largers at 1024x512. Im sure you all wanted to know that stuff. ![]() Go on then, here is the download link: Download comments: 1 send to friend |
ET expected next week posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 13th May 2003, 06:45 | |
ET is apparently to be released next week, is this a business "next week" meaning whenever or a real next week, who knows. However it should be sooner rather than later. Lets hope that that test squashed some bugs! One thing I wonder is how many people clicked the ">" play button on the image with the antenna in the limbo menu, pretty funny what you hear comments: 1 send to friend |
Day of Defeat v1.0 out! posted by eyeronik on Saturday 3rd May 2003, 02:22 | |
Day of Defeat v1.0 has been released to download for halflife. The first one i downloaded had an IO error, it was the one from jolt uk so dont get that, probably best to get only the official mirrors listed. Guess what though, yes ive downloaded one from the official mirror list and it again gives an IO error. fab, dont think ill bother again, doubt i could stand the graphics anyway...ah just had a go finally and it seems pretty good if you can stand the graphics, be good on doom 3 engine though. comments: 0 send to friend |
Crusading on posted by eyeronik on Thursday 1st May 2003, 01:30 | |
The Great Crusade has updated with new screenshots of some of the new weapon models they have made, fully skinned and in game of the mp40, sten and mp44. Not only that but they have two avi files of the reload animations for the sten and mp40. quote: Check out the The Great Crusade comments: 0 send to friend |
As you can see this is a new design. Anywho not much content has changed, I noticed some tutorials were bogged down with too many explainations so ive updated them ones, incase your wondering they were Explosive Objectives, ladders, lighting, Rotating Doors, Sky, Sliding Doors, Sounds, Texturing, Aas files.
I hope you like the new site design anyway, also we have a new link button. There is one slight change the map of the week wasnt being updated weekly so its now map of the moment, if you notice any errors please let me know, oh and the maps page isnt finished yet, sorry.
Also I finally have a digital camera and Ive actually managed to make three decent textures! yes three! so when ive reached about 10 or 20 ill release some.
Its out!
Download Links:
Fileshack US
bworld uk
uk mirror
Have fun! visit wt later
Hell has frozen over posted by eyeronik on Thursday 24th April 2003, 10:41 | |
I looked out of my window today and saw pigs flying. Yes its true, halflife 2 is being made! Theres an actual picture up!!! in game too apparently. Looks cartoony though and I personally think its going to fail due to the fact its taken so long to make, so many other games have failed, who knows, lets hope not. comments: 0 send to friend |
ET Test Out posted by eyeronik on Thursday 24th April 2003, 01:55 | |
The enemy territory test is out! comments: 0 send to friend |
Wolf Tactics updates posted by eyeronik on Friday 18th April 2003, 01:11 | |
Wolf tactics has updated its site with lots of new stuff including, new map screenshots and walkthroughs, player conversion guide, CVAR and Command Guide and even some desktop wallpapers. Check out the site here comments: 0 send to friend |
Shaping up posted by eyeronik on Saturday 12th April 2003, 07:17 | |
The popular model maker milkshape (which i once bought for a friend and he never uses it!) has updated to version 1.6.6. quote: Milkshape site Thanks to planetwolfenstein for the heads up. comments: 0 send to friend |
Enemy... posted by eyeronik on Saturday 12th April 2003, 07:07 | |
ET must be closing in on some sort of release date perhaps, theres an interview popped up with locki on c&g, no pictures though, so put your reading glasses on and slip into those daffy duck slippers comments: 0 send to friend |
Wolf Tactics posted by eyeronik on Thursday 10th April 2003, 07:51 | |
Good news about wolf tactics, it is most likely to be released in only a couple of weeks (not in months like we previously said!) and is currently undergoing testing. Keep checking their site for updates and with any luck it will be with us soon and we can all be having wolf tactics funage! comments: 0 send to friend |
rtcw mod roundup posted by eyeronik on Wednesday 9th April 2003, 09:41 | ||
Lets take a look at where the rtcw mod scene is heading at the current time!
comments: 2 send to friend |
Desert Combat 0.3 posted by eyeronik on Saturday 5th April 2003, 06:03 | |
Desert Combat 0.3 is out for bf1942, massive demand so I suggest you use google and search for dl links (you will get a faster mirror) as official site is being visited a lot today. quote: comments: 0 send to friend |
Day of Defeat posted by eyeronik on Friday 4th April 2003, 02:14 | |
The popular mod dod is a month away from retail release, surprisingly its stand alone, its also probably the only game you could sell these days using a 5 year old engine, it just goes to show how good the playability is. Check out the preview and screenshots on gamespy comments: 0 send to friend |
Wolf Tactics posted by eyeronik on Friday 4th April 2003, 01:47 | |
So it wasnt an aprils fools joke after all, wolf tactics is near release! they even have some map screenshots for you to take a peak at if you head on down to their maps page. Also of interest is a classes page, which shows pictures of the classes. Its all very tfc and it would be great to play that style on rtcw. Not all the pictures of the classes are in just yet but some are and they look very professional and well made. Id guess this mod will be released in two weeks or something unless it has some bug hiccups, but you know what its like. comments: 0 send to friend |
Human Head Hiring posted by eyeronik on Thursday 3rd April 2003, 04:57 | |
Human Head are looking for some talented artists for level editing, modelling and other posts. You must be an experienced level designer who can use radiant. So chances are you would be working on some sort of quake 3 engine game. Why not take a look at the full lowdown at the human head website good luck! comments: 0 send to friend |
ATI Radeon 9800 PRO now Shipping posted by eyeronik on Thursday 3rd April 2003, 04:49 | |
The apparent worlds fastest graphics card is now sailing at sea or rather its shipping! It doesnt specify if this is worldwide but it probably is, so expect to see the cards available in shops in the near future. quote: For a full statement pop on down to ati's website comments: 0 send to friend |
Facility Shuts Down at Six posted by eyeronik on Thursday 3rd April 2003, 01:51 | |
Six has hit a brick wall with his map mp_facility and decided to release it as a tutorial, or rather "how not to make a map". I loaded the beast up there myself, it takes a while, once you get in you can see its an ambitious project to say the least, the problem is the layout has not been thought out in advance, also you can see he hasnt made it using caulk then texturing, because you can see a few faces uncaulked so that wont of helped, but its the sheer scale and layout that is the problem. comments: 0 send to friend |
Jolt cancels WildWest server posted by eyeronik on Wednesday 2nd April 2003, 09:25 | |
Jolt uk has sadly removed the wild west mod server it had running, ive played there myself and it was fairly popular really, its a shame considering the amount of wasted cs servers they run that are always empty, but im guessing its because wild west now requires you to rename the "main" folder to "main2" to avoid crashing, something the wild west mod team really need to sort out. comments: 1 send to friend |
Wolf Tactics ? posted by eyeronik on Wednesday 2nd April 2003, 08:48 | |
Apparently it wasnt just an april fools joke on the wolf tactics website, the mod will be released soon, unless its another april fools joke, i think as far as those go the best one i saw was that levelord was going to kuwait to do some photos for cs zero or gfx artists "teaming up with aol" caught a few people out. But anyway keep your eyes peeled because apparently wolf tactics is coming.... comments: 0 send to friend |
New Q3Map Attack lol posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 11:43 | |
UPDATE* lol, if only id read the unreal part i might of realised it was an april fools joke quote: Q3Map 2.5.4_win32 Full download archive (& linux stuff) comments: 2 send to friend |
Crisis Strikes Crisis Mod posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 11:26 | |
The Crisis 51 mod has reported that it needs more team members or it will go under, they need coders, mappers and modellers. So why not have a go at mapping for them, nothing to lose really as of they do dissolve you can just release the map still. Anyway take a look at what they want and more at crisis 51 site and please forgive my headline comments: 0 send to friend |
Fake Doom 3age posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 11:14 | |
I spotted a rather funneh screenshot party at the mother of all news sites the other day shacknews, basically people sent in fake pics they made for doom 3. You can check it out here comments: 0 send to friend |
Jedi Knight 3? posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 11:05 | |
According to jk2.net jedi knight 3 is 60% finished by LucasArts and Activision. Jk2 had a pretty good single player affair and some decent levels to boot, although probably not as good as the seriously over rated jk1 levels. quote: check out the whole story here comments: 0 send to friend |
Texture Challenge @ Map Center posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 10:52 | |
Map Center has started up its 5th stage of its meditterranean texture challenge. Paul Jaques has written up a rather professional document on how to enter and its ideal for those wanting to get an industry style piece of work underway. Check out the rules here and go make yourself some sand! comments: 0 send to friend |
New News Stuff posted by eyeronik on Tuesday 1st April 2003, 09:52 | |
Good Evening girls and boys, just a note to say we have a new news system in place for more news fun. I was bombared with people requesting to be news posters too last time i asked with a grand total of 0 people. So anyway ill ask again, now all you have to do is post in a little box, but the main reason was just so we can have better news really including more map news from lots of formats just to keep the site running along and give a bit more content. Also this news has a comments system, im sure it probably wont be used much but its there anyway comments: 1 send to friend |