Here we are going to discuss "dragging edges","dragging
vertices" and "clipping" these actions can change
the shape of brushes and create many different shapes and variations
of a brush.
Dragging Edges
This is a useful tool for making slops and various shapes, to use
it you need to have your brush selected and press "E"
then several blue dots will cover your brush
1.0 - Cam View |
1.1 - Top down view |
If you try moving some of the points you can see that the ones on
the edges of the brush can move the sides along (and the ones in the
middle parts will move all the side along, you can see what I mean
if you try it), ive moved the top right blue point over a square,
so to speak (64 in grid numerical value, with grid on 16):
1.2 - Cam View |
1.3 - Top view |
You can make a variety of shapes using this tool, many of which you
can also make with the clipper tool, which in a lot of circumstances
the clipper tool is more efficient, especially since with this drag
edges method you cant merge the points, it really depends on what
your trying to create. If you see the above image Fig 1.3, if I wanted
to move the top right blue point fully to the left to make a triangle
I cant, as it wont allow it. So for that you need to use the clip
tool, which is a simple affair of clicking 2 points and pressing enter,
you can read how to do clipping on this page here
Dragging vertices
Probably the less used method, to drag vertices have your brush
selected and then press "V", this will make green dots appear
on the corners of your brush.
View |
down view |
You can move these green dots around to make the brush change shape,
moving these points means only one corner moves along at once, so
it can prove difficult to make shapes and seems only useful if you
need to make really complex shapes, you can make the same brushes
using the clipping method and the dragging edges method faster than
using this, but it depends what you need to make.
2 Point Clipping
Clipping is an essential part of mapping if you want to create sloping
brushes and various other shapes. Its easy to do, all you need to
do is have your brush selected and then press "x" now if
you click where you want to start the clipping a blue dot will appear
with a 1 above it:

Then you need to place another blue dot where you want the clipping
to end, it will be named 2 and a yellow line will appear as you put
it in, then if you press enter and it will clip the brush:
View - with points chosen |
View - after you press enter |
You can also move the points about when you have put them in, just
click and hold either point and the yellow outline will move around
the shape as you move a point. You can see that the yellow outline
is going to be the final shape, anything not in the yellow line will
be lost. Ive used the top view in this case, but you can use any view
to clip or drag edges or vertices, like the height (z) view. Obviously
you can clip or drag a brush as many times as you wish.
3-Point Clipping
This has the same basic principles as 2 point clipping, in that you
place points, the difference is you can place 3 points in this and
its more difficult to make things, you can imagine you can cut off
segments so to speak with 3 point clipping:
view |
View |
down view |
If your just starting out mapping you might want to leave 3 point
clipping to later, you might not need to use it much anyway, it all
depends on what you want to create.
Important note!!
You can make a variety of different shapes, but they need to be sensible,
you cant make any shape you feel like as the engine wont like some
you make and you will get errors during compiling, (you could try
clipping and moving a few verticals, then compiling to see if your
shapes are valid, this way you might understand more what is acceptable
and what isnt) Just so you get some idea if you havent mapped before
at all, I quickly made a few fun shapes:
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